Founded in 2016, the mission of Above and Beyond is to offer the most innovative long-term, evidence-based and evidence-informed addiction recovery services to everyone, including those who are unable to pay for them, while also providing housing and employment assistance.
AnB has quickly become one of the most advanced addiction treatment centers in the United States, providing transformative services to homeless and uninsured individuals who otherwise would not have access to treatment. With an acclaimed 26-percent graduation rate — which is unexpectedly high for the industry — and an 84-percent sustained-sobriety rate after three years, the evidence is overwhelming: Science coupled with compassion and life purpose triumphs over abstinence, punitive and exclusive alternatives.

AnB began as an idea in the mind of our founder, philanthropist Bryan Cressey, and took root like a remarkable and vibrant flower in the midst of a barren landscape on Chicago’s West Side. The center employs evidence-based techniques, encouraging its clients to see the consequences of their behavior as something they can change by changing their beliefs about their lives — often complicated when up against the challenging circumstances of poverty, homelessness, abuse and addiction.
Completing our fifth year in operation, we are regularly lauded for our innovation, best practices and ever-increasing visibility on a national scale. Above and Beyond’s integrated approach and evidenced-informed model provides an individualized turnkey approach as we work to holistically break the cycle of generational addiction and poverty. We do this by forging one of the largest networks of behavioral health stakeholders in the City of Chicago — each of which offers services in the areas of substance use, mental health and/or addiction treatment.

In 2020, we were named the Organization of the Year. We also were recognized among the Top 3 Best Treatment Centers in Chicago as well as the Best and Brightest National Companies to Work For. In 2018, we received the Chicago Innovation Award.
On Nov. 6, 2020, we hosted Redefining Recovery, our fifth annual gala. Although we were not able to come together in person because of social distancing protocols, we reimagined our annual signature fundraising event. We exceeded our annual fundraising goal, raising nearly $450,000! Through this essential support, we can continue to provide free services to those who need them but cannot afford to pay for them. These funds support our mission by offering the most innovative, long-term, evidence-based and evidenced-informed addiction recovery treatment, while in 2021 enriching our “free” best practice service delivery to include: on-site primary care and medication-assisted treatment; the launch of an offsite food pantry; and planning and implementation of a Chicago southside replicated site.
We thank our donors for supporting our mission and investing in saving the lives of individuals struggling with substance use disorder.
Please visit us for a free tour, provided by the executive director himself, and subscribe to our newsletter, which provides activities and development updates from Above and Beyond.